It's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in SchoolHD
IMDb: 5.50
Depicts what happens when students K-8 discuss LGBT-related topics in age-appropriate ways. Shot in six public and private schools (in San Francisco...
In 1996, Women's Educational Media released their groundbreaking documentary Its Elementary-Talking About Gay Issues in School. It's Still Elementary...
Dr. Joseph Marshall, Jr.: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2006HD
IMDb: 1
Dr. Joseph Marshall, Jr., winner of the San Francisco Foundation 2006 Community Leadership Awards (The Robert Kirkwood Award) - for redefining youth...
"People of the Graphic Novel" is a playful introduction to the history of an art form: from the first "funny pages" to seminal artists including Will...
Insight Prison Project, winner of the San Francisco Foundation 2005 Community Leadership Awards (John R. May Award) - for its dedication to breaking...
Honorable Ronald V. Dellums: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2005HD
IMDb: 1
Honorable Ronald V. Dellums, winner of the San Francisco Foundation 2005 Community Leadership Awards (Robert C. Kirkwood Award) - for his decades of...