When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became...
It's recital day at the schoolhouse. First up: Porky, who recites The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. A nervous kitten recites Mary Had a Little Lamb....
Edwin promised to his sister on her death bed to find her son she gave up long time ago. Edwin's quest brought him to become a substitute teacher in...
Kiroku boards with a Roman Catholic family and falls for the daughter Michiko. He ignores his feelings, joins a gang, gets in fights and, eventually,...
Set at a famous high school for the super-wealthy, this is a puppy love story centered on Tsukushi Makino, a poor girl, and the F4 gang of rich kids...
The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he will be...
The romance between failing student Su Yunjin and high school genius Cheng Zheng is broken apart due to clashing personalities and a huge difference...