Ten years ago, distinguished French author Alexandre (Alain Delon) exchanged his stressful, hectic life in Paris for a more peaceful existence upon a...
When his first stage show fails, songwriter Cole Porter goes off to fight in WWI until, injured, he lands in a hospital. He impresses nurse Linda Lee...
"Day and Night" is an omnibus release by William Kwok-Wai of 3 short films consisting of 3 Malaysian filmmakers Ho Yuhang, Charlotte Lim and Yeo Joon...
Jack and Julie live in a bare flat in Paris. At night, Jack drives a taxi while Julie wanders around the city, and in the day they make love. One day...
Working on a series of harrowing cases, forensic pathologist, Sara Grau, finds the key to a case in which she has unwittingly become a prime target....
Lions are the world's most social cats and their family dramas rival anything seen in a TV soap. This series follows two lion prides in extraordinary...
While unraveling an enigmatic murder mystery, a special force leader realizes this case is related to the incident that took 28 years ago in a small...
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain with powers unlike anything they have faced before....