Bourbon Street Beat
"Bourbon Street Beat" is a private detective series produced by Warner Brothers Television which aired on the ABC network from October 5, 1959, to July 4, 1960. It featured Richard Long as Rex Randolph, Andrew Duggan as Cal Calhoun, Van Williams as Kenny Madison, and Arlene Howell as Melody Lee Mercer, the secretary at the New Orleans detective agency in which they worked. The show is set in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA and revolves around the lives of Rex Randolph (Long) and Cal Calhoun (Duggan), who run a detective agency called Randolph and Calhoun — Special Services. The agency is based in the Absinthe House, a French Quarter nightclub on Bourbon Street.
Year: 1960
Genre: Drama
Studio: ABC
Director: Charles Hoffman
Cast: Andrew Duggan, Van Williams, Richard Long, Arlene Howell
First Air Date: Oct 05, 1959
Last Air date: Jul 04, 1960
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 39 Episode
Runtime: 60 minutes
IMDb: 5.00/10 by 1.00 users
Popularity: 45.613
Language: English
Keyword :
Season 1
The Taste of Ashes
The Mourning Cloak
Torch Song for Trumpet
Woman in the River
Girl in Trouble
The Tiger Moth
Secret of Hyacinth Bayou
Invitation to a Murder
Mrs. Viner Vanishes
Light Touch of Terror
The Golden Beetle
The Black Magnolia
Portrait of Lenore
Kill with Kindness
Inside Man
Find My Face
Knock on Any Tombstone
Key to the City
The 10% Blues
Melody in Diamonds
The House of Ledezan
Target of Hate
The Missing Queen
Neon Nightmare
Wall of Silence
Twice Betrayed
Swamp Fire
If A Body
Six Hours to Midnight
Last Exit
Deadly Persuasion
Suitable for Framing
False Identity
Green Hell
Ferry to Algiers
Wagon Show
Interrupted Wedding