A Miss Mallard Mystery
A Miss Mallard Mystery is a Sino-Canadian mystery animated series produced by Cinar and Shanghai Animation Film Studio for the Teletoon network and OTV, loosely based on the Robert Quackenbush book series. Each show focuses on Miss Mallard and her nephew Willard Widgeon as they visit various places around the world, solving mysteries. All characters in the show are ducks or resemble ducks.
Year: 2001
Genre: Mystery, Animation, Kids
Director: 彭戈
Cast: Arthur Holden, Terrence Scammell, Michael Rudder
First Air Date: Sep 04, 2000
Last Air date: Sep 19, 2001
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 26 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 7.60/10 by 5.00 users
Popularity: 12.031
Language: English
Keyword :
Season 1
Lost in the Amazon
Taxi to Intrigue
Cable Car to Catastrophe
Rickshaw to Horror
Dig to Disaster
Evil Under the Sea
Stage Door to Terror
Bicycle to Treachery
Danger in Tibet
Surfboard to Peril
Stairway to Doom
Dogsled to Dread
Gondola to Danger
Texas Trail to Calamity
Express Train to Trouble
Flamenco to Mischief
Hallway to Spite
Boulevard to Mayhem
Whistle Stop to Fear
Jitney to Jeopardy
Spaceship to Puzzlement
Stepping Stones to Gloom
Ferris Wheel to Deceit
Footbridge to Jitters
Snowmobile to Panic
Escalator to Agony