Studio One
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Year: 1958
Genre: Drama
Country: United States of America
Studio: CBS
Director: Fletcher Markle
First Air Date: Nov 07, 1948
Last Air date: Sep 29, 1958
Season: 10 Season
Episode: 466 Episode
Runtime: 60 minutes
IMDb: 4.73/10 by 11.00 users
Popularity: 62.17
Language: English
Keyword : anthology
The Night America Trembled
First Prize for Murder
Mutiny on the Shark (Part 1)
Mutiny on the Shark (Part 2)
The Morning After
Act of Mercy
The Deaf Heart
The Bend in the Road
Twenty-Four Hours Til Dawn
Please Report Any Odd Characters
Escape Route
No Deadly Medicine (Part 1)
No Deadly Medicine (Part 2)
The Brotherhood of the Bell
The Other Place
Trial by Slander
Balance of Terror
The Laughing Willow
Presence of the Enemy
Tide of Corruption
The Lonely Stage
The Fair-Haired Boy
A Dead Ringer
Tongues of Angels
The Award Winner
The Shadow of a Genius
Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris
The Desperate Age
The Edge of Truth
The McTaggert Succession
Kurishiki Incident
A Funny-Looking Kid
The Enemy Within
Ticket to Tahiti
The Strong Man
The Left-Handed Welcome
The Man Who Asked for a Funeral
The Undiscovered
Man Under Glass
A Delicate Affair
The Last Summer
Birthday Present
The Lady Died at Midnight
No Place to Run
Image of Fear