Dennis the Menace
This 1959-1963 television situation comedy series follows the lives of the Mitchell family, Henry, Alice, and their only child Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor George Wilson, a retired salesman, or, later, with George's brother John, a writer. Dennis is basically a good, well-intentioned boy who always tries to help people, but who winds up making situations worse – often at Mr. Wilson's expense.
Year: 1963
Country: United States of America, Canada, France
Studio: CBS
Cast: Jay North, Gloria Henry, Herbert Anderson, Gale Gordon
First Air Date: Oct 04, 1959
Last Air date: Jul 07, 1963
Season: 4 Season
Episode: 146 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 6.70/10 by 30.00 users
Popularity: 46.088
Language: English
The Chinese Girl
You Go Your Way
Dennis and the Circular Circumstances
The Little Judge
Poor Mr. Wilson
Dennis in Gypsyland
The New Principal
San Diego Safari
Dennis at Boot Camp
Henry's New Job
Wilson's Second Childhood
Jane Butterfield Says
Dennis and the Hermit
My Uncle Ned
Junior Astronaut
Wilson's Little White Lie
Dennis, the Rain Maker
The Creature with the Big Feet
Dennis, the Confused Cupid
Dennis Goes to Washington
The Big Basketball Game
Wilson's Allergy
Baby Booties
My Four Boys
Dennis and the Homing Pigeons
A Tax on Cats
The Uninvited Guest
Dennis Plays Robin Hood
The Three F's
Never Say Dye
The Lost Dog
Tuxedo Trouble
Hawaiian Love Song
The Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Listen to the Mockingbird
First Editions
A Man Among Men
Aunt Emma Visits the Wilsons