Ken Pontac
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
The Online Adventures of Ozzie the Elf (1997)
Mighty Max is an American animated action/sci-fi television series that aired from 1993 to 1994 to promote the British Mighty Max toys, an outgrowth...
Storm Hawks is an animated television series created by Asaph "Ace" Fipke and made by Nerd Corps Entertainment in conjunction and collaboration with...
Bump in the Night is an animated series by Danger Productions that was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. It was...
This action and adventure comedy is drawn in simple appearance and combines cute forest animals with extreme graphic violence. Each episode revolves...
Krypto, the Superdog, chronicles the comedic canine adventures of Metropolis' day-saving superdog from Planet Krypton. Krypto jettisons to Earth...
The fate of PacWorld lies with Pac and his loyal crew as they protect the Power Berries from falling into the sinister hands of Betrayus and his evil...
Bob, a guardian from the Super Computer, helped by his friends Dot, Enzo, and dog Frisket, defend the digital city of Mainframe from evil computer...
The speedy blue hedgehog Sonic with sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman, who is hellbent...
The Secret Show is a British animated show commissioned by BBC Worldwide in partnership with BBC Children's. Production of the show began in 2004 and...
Slow drawls, quick draws, heroes and outlaws all have one thing in common -- "The Legend of Calamity Jane." Fast with the whip, and even faster with...
Slow drawls, quick draws, heroes and outlaws all have one thing in common -- "The Legend of Calamity Jane." Fast with the whip, and even faster with...
Slow drawls, quick draws, heroes and outlaws all have one thing in common -- "The Legend of Calamity Jane." Fast with the whip, and even faster with...
Set in 2050, Kong becomes a wanted fugitive after wrecking havoc at Alcatraz Island’s Natural History and Marine Preserve. What most humans on...
Gary & Mike is a television show that aired on UPN in 2001 and Adult Swim on 2002. The show was produced in stop motion and lasted only one season. A...
Pet Alien is a US computer-animated series produced by Mike Young Productions and Antefilms Productions in 2005. It was created by Jeff Muncy and the...
The continuous adventures of Gumby and his pals. This time, he runs a farm which includes more pals such as a wooly mammoth, Denali, and a bee,...
Frog and Toad are not at all alike. Frog likes new adventures. Toad likes the comforts of home. Yet despite their differences, Frog and Toad are...
Ka-pow! es una serie estadounidense de animación para adultos hecha en inglés en Flash, fue lanzada el 2 de septiembre de 2008. Tras el...
Bump in the Night is an animated series by Danger Productions that was filmed using stop-motion animation and aired on ABC from 1994 to 1995. It was...