Natsumi Itsuki
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:樹なつみ
Hanasakeru Seishōnen is a manga series written and illustrated by Natsumi Itsuki. Set in the modern era, the story follows the path to romance of...
After their parents are murdered, young twin brothers Thor and Rai are abandoned on Chimaera, a hostile planet where criminals are sent to die. With...
Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical...
Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical...
Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical...