Larry Raskin
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows on the story from the pilot of the same name, and...
"Pucca" is a TV series based on a Flash animation series published by Vooz Character Systems. It follows the trails and exploits of a South Korean...
"Pucca" is a TV series based on a Flash animation series published by Vooz Character Systems. It follows the trails and exploits of a South Korean...
1001 Nights features Shahrzad, a storyteller, in a Persian court with her sister Donyazad, King Shahryar, Prince Shahzaman and a playful monkey named...
Willa's Wild Life is a French/Canadian/American animated television series that first aired on ABC2 in 2008, then on Qubo and Nickelodeon Canada in...