Des Garbes-Severino
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Sinag Obispo is a cheerful radio DJ in Pelangi, a small town in Quezon where life is simple and peaceful–until property developers arrive to...
My Beloved is a Filipino romance drama-suspense-thriller series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the helm of Dominic Zapata and Lore Reyes and...
Legacy is Filipino drama series created by Dode Cruz, written by Denoy Navarro-Punio, under the directions of Jay Altarejos and Andoy Ranay, and...
Iglot is a Philippine television drama series created by GMA Network. It premiered on GMA Telebabad and GMA Pinoy TV on August 29, 2011 and August...
In the realm of Encantadia, there is a kingdom called Avila where Avian creatures called Mulawins live. Though humans have caused the destruction of...
Captain Barbell is a 2011 superhero Philippine drama adapted from Mars Ravelo's fictional superhero of the same name; directed by Dominic Zapata and...
Magic Palayok is a Philippine drama-fantasy-comedy series from GMA Network featuring Angeli Nicole Sanoy, Carla Abellana and Geoff Eigenmann and at...
Dwarfina is a telefantasya produced by GMA Network starring Heart Evangelista and Dennis Trillo with Angelika dela Cruz. The show was originally to...
Diva is a Philippine musical comedy-drama television series, developed by Don Michael Perez and directed by Dominic Zapata. The series premiered on...
Stairway to Heaven is a Philippine drama adapted from a Korean drama with the same name; directed by Joyce E. Bernal and developed by Dode Cruz,...
Saan Darating Ang Umaga? or Morning Awaits is an award-winning Philippine suspense drama series aired on GMA Network. This is the eleventh...
"Gaano Kadalas Ang Minsan?" or Love Me Again is a Philippine drama on GMA Network, and the ninth installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was...
Babangon Ako't Dudurugin Kita or Sweet Revenge is a Filipino drama television series created by Gilda Olvidado, developed by Don Michael Perez and...
Kaputol ng Isang Awit or Unsung Melody is an Philippine drama airing on GMA Network, as the seventh instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was...
My Only Love is a Philippine drama airing on GMA Network as the fifth instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1982.
The perfect and happy lives of Johnny and Jenny turn topsy-turvy when an accident leads their family to discover an incident from the past. The...
Twenty years have passed since Alexis del Mundo, also known as the second Shaider, destroyed the clan of Fuuma Le-ar. The descendants of the clan,...
Akin Pa Rin ang Bukas or Perfect Vengeance is a Filipino drama series to be broadcast by GMA Network starring Lovi Poe, Charee Pineda, Rocco Nacino,...
"Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap" or Through It All is a Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network we was aired on July 30, 2007 and ended November 9, 2007...
Asian Treasures is an action-adventure Philippine drama aired and produced by GMA Network starred by Angel Locsin and Robin Padilla, and was directed...
Dangal is a Philippine television drama and the seventh installment of Now and Forever series. Dangal is a drama about love, trust and betrayal.
Duyan is a Philippine television drama and the fifth installment of Now and Forever series. Duyan is a drama about family, love and vengeance.
Tinig or Sonata of Heart is a Philippine television drama and the fourth installment of Now and Forever series. The story of Tinig revolves around...
Agos or Tide Of Life is a Philippine television drama and the third installment of Now and Forever series. Directed by Mac Alejandre, this drama...
Ganti is a Philippine television drama and the second installment of Now and Forever series. Ganti is a drama about people who live for vengeance in...
Mukha is a Philippine television drama and the first installment of Now and Forever series. The story of Mukha revolves around two girls and how...
'I Can See You' is a one-of-a-kind anthology that features compelling and thrilling stories every week on GMA Telebabad
In this Filipino remake, we follow the comedic lives and loves of Andy and Arthur. Andy is a hardworking young woman who supports her mother and...
Ponggay who desires to fulfill her overbearing but well-meaning mother's dream of becoming a figure skating champion. She intends to do this to get...
What if the person you love is in love with someone else? Will it be worth fighting for? In the story, friendship blossoms between Martin and...
Kaputol ng Isang Awit or Unsung Melody is an Philippine drama airing on GMA Network, as the seventh instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was...