Satoshi Kan
Known For:Directing
Place of Birth:
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The story revolves around a highschool girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who...
Ataru is a TBS series is about an autistic young man with a mysterious past who helps the police solve criminal cases. It stars Masahiro Nakai in the...
The story revolves around a highschool girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who...
In the Ningyo-cho area of Nihonbashi, Tokyo - a woman was murdered. Detective Kaga Kyoichiro, who just transferred to the Nihonbashi police precinct,...
Ataru is a TBS series is about an autistic young man with a mysterious past who helps the police solve criminal cases. It stars Masahiro Nakai in the...