Helen Rose C. Sese
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Voltes V Legacy: The Cinematic Experience (2023)
Panday Kids is a fantasy Philippine drama spin-off from the novel of Carlo J. Caparas. It is produced by GMA Network. This is a television sequel of...
Ikaw Sana is a Philippine drama series produced by GMA Network. The series features Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Herras, and Pauleen Luna and directed by...
Adik Sa'Yo or International Title: Love Games is a Philippine romantic comedy created and developed by Denoy Navarro-Punio for GMA Network. The show...
Luna Mystika is a Filipino fantasy/romace drama created by RJ Nuevas, directed by Michael Tuviera and Gil Tejada, Jr., produced and aired by GMA...
Twenty years have passed since Alexis del Mundo, also known as the second Shaider, destroyed the clan of Fuuma Le-ar. The descendants of the clan,...
The battle starts during the Spanish era when Apo Abukay (Gardo Versoza) wants to gain power as he plans to dominate the world. He then failed to...
A speculative fiction drama series about two races of winged humanoids. The Mulawin must fight the Ravena to protect the mortals from its wrath. It...
A Philippine seasonal anthology TV adaptations of the popular Filipino Wattpad web novels. Produced by GMA Network in partnership with Wattpad...