Mike Tuviera
Known For:Directing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Faithfully is a Filipino drama series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the direction of Michael Tuviera and produced by GMA Network. This...
Futbolilits is a Philippine sports drama series produced by GMA Network featuring an ensemble cast. The series premiered on July 4, 2011 in the...
Dwarfina is a telefantasya produced by GMA Network starring Heart Evangelista and Dennis Trillo with Angelika dela Cruz. The show was originally to...
Panday Kids is a fantasy Philippine drama spin-off from the novel of Carlo J. Caparas. It is produced by GMA Network. This is a television sequel of...
Sana Ngayong Pasko is a Philippine drama produced by GMA Network. It stars Susan Roces as a grandmother suffering with dementia, under the direction...
Ngayon at Kailanman or Until Forever is a Filipino drama series produced by GMA Network. It is a television adaptation of the 1992 hit movie of the...
Codename: Asero, previously known as Asero, is a sci-fi-thriller Philippine drama produced and broadcast by GMA Network starring Richard Gutierrez...
Luna Mystika is a Filipino fantasy/romace drama created by RJ Nuevas, directed by Michael Tuviera and Gil Tejada, Jr., produced and aired by GMA...
Kaputol ng Isang Awit or Unsung Melody is an Philippine drama airing on GMA Network, as the seventh instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was...