Jonathan Murray
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Starting Over is an American reality TV show that follows the lives of women who are experiencing difficulty in their lives and want to make changes,...
Aspiring fashion designers compete for a chance to break into the industry. Each week, a designer is eliminated from the competition after exhibiting...
One Ocean View is an American primetime television reality show about eleven single New Yorkers looking for romance on Fire Island. It premiered on...
Love Cruise was an American reality TV show broadcast on Fox in 2001. The show featured 16 singles competing for a $250,000 prize. The original...
The Rebel Billionaire: Branson's Quest for the Best is a reality show for Fox Broadcasting Company's fall 2004 season.
The Simple Life is an American reality television series. The series aired from December 2, 2003 to August 5, 2007. The first three seasons aired on...
Two teams of civilians investigate a real crime scene and have 48 hours before they must present their findings to detective Tommy Le Noir, after...
"Road Rules" documents the lives of five to six strangers as a mysterious voice sends them across various regions of the world, tackling a series of...
A cast of young women, who recognize that their outrageous behavior has hindered their relationships, careers and lives, are brought together in a...
Each year, seven strangers in their twenties, from different backgrounds and countries, are chosen to come live together in a major city.
Dr. Steve-O is an American reality television series starring Steve-O, Trishelle Cannatella and Reggie Pace. The show first premiered on October 1,...
Kourtney and Kim Take New York is an American reality television series that premiered January 23, 2011, on E! that ran for two seasons. It follows...
Khloé & Lamar is an American reality television series that debuted on E! in the United States and Canada on April 10, 2011. The series is the...
Mrs. Eastwood & Company is an American reality documentary television series that premiered May 20, 2012, on E!. The series chronicles the lives of...
The series originally followed sisters Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian as they opened a second D-A-S-H location in Miami, Florida. From the...
Sixteen self-professed psychics chosen out of hundreds nationwide compete to prove their psychic abilities. In each episode, four contestants compete...
Making the Band 2 aired on MTV from October 19, 2002 to April 29, 2004. It centered around the creation of the hip-hop group Da Band.
Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too is an American reality television dating game show that premiered on the Oxygen Network on March 16, 2010. It is...
Rose McGowan, artist and activist, documents the work being done to spread her message of “bravery, art, joy and survival.”
With little in common but their refusal to let their disabilities define them, entrepreneurs Qiana, Collette, Chris and Lexi meet to discuss the...
An inside look of the lives of seven WWE Divas from their work within WWE to their personal lives.
Nikki Bella, a WWE Superstar, and, Artem Chingvintsev "Dancing with the Stars" champion, share all of their special moments of the ultimate decision...
"Family or Fiancé" follows the dynamics between engaged couples who bring their disapproving families together under one roof. The families...
Each Challenge pits numerous cast members from past seasons of reality shows against each other, dividing them into two separate teams according to...
Starting Over is an American reality TV show that follows the lives of women who are experiencing difficulty in their lives and want to make changes,...
"Road Rules" documents the lives of five to six strangers as a mysterious voice sends them across various regions of the world, tackling a series of...
Making the Band is an ABC/MTV reality television series that exists in separate iterations, each iteration focusing on a specific music act. It...
Bad Girls is a British television drama series that was broadcast on ITV from 1 June 1999 to 20 December 2006 and starred Simone Lahbib, Mandana...
Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas is a seven-episode, 2007 spin-off miniseries of The Real World: Las Vegas that reunited the cast of the 2002...
The Simple Life is an American reality television series. The series aired from December 2, 2003 to August 5, 2007. The first three seasons aired on...
A cast of young women, who recognize that their outrageous behavior has hindered their relationships, careers and lives, are brought together in a...
Each year, seven strangers in their twenties, from different backgrounds and countries, are chosen to come live together in a major city.
Love Cruise was an American reality TV show broadcast on Fox in 2001. The show featured 16 singles competing for a $250,000 prize. The original...
Bad Girls Road Trip is an American reality television series which airs on Oxygen. It is a spinoff from the Oxygen series, Bad Girls Club. It...
Living Lohan is an American reality television series that debuted on E! on May 26, 2008. The series aired for a total of nine episodes, ending its...
The series originally followed sisters Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian as they opened a second D-A-S-H location in Miami, Florida. From the...
Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too is an American reality television dating game show that premiered on the Oxygen Network on March 16, 2010. It is...
Models of the Runway was a television series on the Lifetime network. It was an off-shoot of Project Runway appearing each week during seasons when...
Kourtney and Kim Take New York is an American reality television series that premiered January 23, 2011, on E! that ran for two seasons. It follows...
Married to Rock is an American reality documentary television series on E! that debuted November 7, 2010.
Spring Break Challenge is a short-lived MTV reality game show spun off from MTV's long-running reality game show, The Challenge. The spin-off series...
Mrs. Eastwood & Company is an American reality documentary television series that premiered May 20, 2012, on E!. The series chronicles the lives of...
Bad Girls All-Star Battle is an Oxygen reality television series, that is the fourth spin-off of Bad Girls Club. It premiered on May 21, 2013, with a...
Reality-TV stars Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian continue to roll out their Dash clothing boutiques in U.S. cities. This series follows the...