The Flintstone Comedy Hour
The Flintstone Comedy Hour is a one-hour Saturday morning cartoon anthology series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The program originally aired on CBS as an hour-long show from September 9, 1972 to September 1, 1973 on CBS. The show's first half-hour included new segments featuring Fred & Barney, short gags, vignettes by the cast of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm and songs performed by the new Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm band called "The Bedrock Rockers" followed by four new episodes and reruns of The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show in the second half-hour. The show also featured bad-luck Schleprock, Moonrock, Penny, Wiggy and the Bronto Bunch from The Pebbles and Bamm Bamm Show.
Mickey Stevens replaced Sally Struthers as the voice of Pebbles in four new episodes of The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show and in brief in-between segments, Struthers at the time being fully committed to her role as Gloria Stivic on All in the Family. And this was the final spin-off to feature Alan Reed as the voice of Fred Flintstone because he died in 1977 four months before Fred Flintstone and Friends began to air on October 3, 1977 and he was replaced by Henry Corden who would voice Fred until his own death in 2005.
Year: 1978
Studio: CBS
Director: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
Cast: Alan Reed, Mel Blanc, Jean Vander Pyl, Jay North, Mitzi McCall, Don Messick
First Air Date: Sep 09, 1972
Last Air date: Dec 30, 1978
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 52 Episode
Runtime: 60 minutes
IMDb: 8.00/10 by 5.00 users
Popularity: 8.757
Language: English
Keyword :
Season 1
Squawkie Talkies
Bedrock 500
The Flying Fools
Bedlam in Bedrock
The Stone Ranger Rides Again
Cat Burglars
The Circus Show
Fred Skirts the Issue
Hair Scare
The Not So Desperate Hours
Don't Fence Me In
The Spot Remover
Cake Walk
The Loving Cup
Bedrock Surfers
Something Fishy
Amusement Park
A Pound in Time
Dummy Up
Bedrock Radio Rock Festival
Barney the Swami
High Noon at Bedrock Pass
Training Pains
Fred's Big Brag
Schleprock's Cousin
Fred's Promise
The Big Breakup
Bedrock 300
Candid Camerarock
Feet First
The Hobby Show
The Reluctant Candidates
Runaway Steaks
Moonrock’s Super Jumping Shoes
Citizen Flintstone
The Big Splash
Bedrock Beauty and Grooming Center
Stage Flight
Oil Fooled
Cave Buggy Race
Sherlock Flintstone
Watch the Birdie
Mod Clod
The Suitor Computer
Army Dazed
Beauty and the Beast
The Galloping Gourmets