Street Cents - Season 3
"Street Cents," a teen-centered newsmagazine aired on CBC Television from 1989 to 2006, stood out for its focus on consumer and media awareness for young viewers. Created by producer John Nowlan and inspired by Britain's "Pocket Money," the series garnered critical acclaim, winning Gemini Awards and an International Emmy for Best Youth Programming. Ad-free like CBC's Marketplace, it prioritized unbiased critique of products and services, promoting safety, ethics, and youth empowerment. Despite its lauded inclusivity, the show ended in October 2006 due to declining teen viewership, leaving CBC-TV without youth-targeted programming.
Year: 2005
Genre: Comedy
Country: Canada
Studio: CBC Television
Director: John Nowlan
Cast: Jonathan Torrens, Benita Ha, Connie Walker
First Air Date: Mar 18, 1989
Last Air date: Sep 19, 2005
Season: 17 Season
Episode: 85 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 0.00/10 by 0.00 users
Popularity: 9.317
Keyword : journalism, parody, sketch comedy, tv production, news magazine, consumer affairs, consumer magazine, j-roc