The Beeps - Season 2
The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11 minute episodes, produced using computer-generated imagery by Impossible Television for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd. Broadcast in the UK by Five on their early morning pre-school children's segment Milkshake! and also worldwide. The series details the cheerful daily lives and adventures of the Beeps of Beep Island. The Beeps and their world are created by illustrator Malou Bonicos.
The show features several notable actors: Timmy Mallett, Dani Harmer, Daniel Peacock, and Tom Baker as the narrator. The show's theme tune and original score is composed by *Gareth Cousins. *Peter Gosling provided the Beep Tree Song featured in every episode. Scriptwriters include: Adam Peters, Sally Marchant, Arabella Warner, John and Rosemary Barratt, Hannah Williams and Helena Smee.
Year: 2008
Genre: Animation
Director: Malou Bonicos
Cast: Kate O'Sullivan, Tom Baker, Daniel Peacock, Dani Harmer, Bob Golding, Tim Whitnall
First Air Date: Mar 12, 2007
Last Air date: Oct 19, 2008
Season: 3 Season
Episode: 66 Episode
Runtime: 26 minutes
IMDb: 6.00/10 by 1.00 users
Popularity: 1.781
Keyword :
Drozzle Dries Up
Noisy Neighbour
Sports Day
Where No Beep Has Gone Before
Bouncy Bouncy Beep Beep
Big Beepday Bash
Yuk Says No
Wheely Helpful
Teeny Beep Takes Off
Peas and Bees
Stuck on You!
Hole Lot of Trouble
A Little Adventure
The Lost Houses
Bounceberry Pie
Treasure Hunt
Home Sweet Home
Leafy's Hoe
Brand New Bossy
Twinkleberry Pie
The Great Pink Sunset
Bubble and Beep!
Put a Sock in It!
Crafty Beeps!
Cure for Bossy
Hunt for Beep
Pets With Pets
Source of the Sapphire Steam
Wash Those Socks!
The Bumps