Shinzo, known as Mushrambo in Japan, is an anime produced by Toei Animation and based on the Chinese legend Journey to the West. In the series, creatures known as Enterrans take over Earth and rename it in their own image: Enterra. Now three Enterrans have to protect the last human in order to restore the human race. The anime focuses primarily on the adventures they undergo while working to accomplish this task.
Year: 2000
Genre: Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure
Country: Japan
Studio: tv asahi
Cast: Yuko Minaguchi, Minami Takayama, Yasuhiko Kawazu, Naoki Tatsuta, Tsutomu Kashiwakura, Fushigi Yamada
First Air Date: Feb 05, 2000
Last Air date: Sep 23, 2000
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 32 Episode
Runtime: 24 minutes
IMDb: 8.20/10 by 6.00 users
Popularity: 18.999
Language: Japanese
Keyword :
Season 1
Bee-Ware The Hunters
Web of Evil
Day At The Park
Battling Daku
Into The Jungle
Mushrambo: The Ultimate Samurai
Clash of The Hyper Warriors
The Test
Ryuma, Lord of the Reptiles
Dark Spirit of Destruction
Mechano city
The giant robot
The great war
The secrets of the seven
The feathered fiend
The two Mushrambo's
The battle of one
A new begining
Bear claws
Nightmare dream center
Eillis of the storm
Reviving Yakumo
Lanancuras arises
Lanancuras unbound
Mushrambo meets his match
Mushra's mission
Soul survivor
Long live Yakumo