Supernanny - Season 2 Episode 3 McMillion Family
Cheryl McMillion is struggling to raise her three children on her own, while her husband, Jonathan, a National Guardsman, is serving his tour of duty in Afghanistan. However, while Dad is overseas, there's a battle to keep the peace on the homefront, as the boys -- Ryan, nine, Hunter, seven, and Garrett, three -- act out by fighting and yelling. Mom's had it with the aggression in her family, and turns to Supernanny for help.
Minyon Family
Webb Family
McMillion Family
Larmer Family
Cooke Family (U.K. Family)
Amaral Family
Facente Family
Keilen Family
Bradbury-Lambert Family
Tsironis Family
Carsley Family
Schwartz Family
Silva Family
Young Family
Harmony Family
Wujcik Family
Jackson Family
Newton Family
Uva Family