Soccer Fever
Soccer Fever is an anime produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, RAI and TMS-Kyokuchi, it was broadcast by NHK and RAI. This anime is part of Eisei Anime Gekijou. In Italy it is known as I ragazzi del mundial.
Year: 1995
Studio: NHK BS1, Rai 1, Rai Gulp, RaiPlay
Director: Gi Pagot, Marco Pagot, Vittorio Schiraldi
Cast: Masaaki Tsukada, Giorgio Bonino, Carlo Bonomi, Masaki Aizawa
First Air Date: Apr 04, 1994
Last Air date: Apr 03, 1995
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 52 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 2.00/10 by 1.00 users
Popularity: 11.306
Language: English, Italian
Keyword : football (soccer)
Season 1
Road to World Cup
First Urugrary Rally
Rime Cup of Glory
The Unpenetratable Goal-keeper
Italy Meet
Fated Regame
Light and Shadow of Italy
Champion Challenge
Black Antelope
France Meet
Marseille's Fierce Fight
Friendship Transcends National Boundaries
The Champion whose Name is Stained
Last Day of Peace
Fighter's Vacation
Brian's Secret
Challenge of Bero Horizonte
The Man who's Called Dynamite
Riot of Maracanastageam
Wembley's Empty Shout
Stop! Hungary
Surprising Victory
The Qualification that has been Deprived
Soccer Ball from Russia
For Victory!
Birth of a Star
Begin of the Golden Age
Unlucky Champion
Last Chance
Lucky Substitute
Magical Soccer Virus
Brazil Crisis
Ride on the Sound of the Violin
Unexpected Team
Player picked by the King
Goal Panther
Wembley's Mystery
Wembley's Mystery
Legendary Game
The Kidnapping Scheme that was Stopped
Letter in the Dream
Confrontation between East and West Germany
King's Victory
Argentine Meet
Argentine Dream
Valuable Signature
Night of Champions
The Youth with the Golden Leg
Tragedy in Naples
Night before the America Meet
Episode 52