Canadian Idol - Season 1
Canadian Idol was a Canadian reality television competition show which aired on CTV, based on the British show Pop Idol. The show was a competition to find the most talented young singer in Canada, and was hosted by Ben Mulroney. Jon Dore was the "roving reporter" for the first three seasons. Elena Juatco assumed the role for season four, Dave Kerr had the role in season five and Jully Black in season six.
The show began with a cross-Canada tour in which singers audition in front of four judges: Jake Gold of Toronto, Sass Jordan of Montreal, Quebec, Zack Werner of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Farley Flex of Ajax, Ontario. Eventually the performers were narrowed down to 10 finalists, with each competitor performing live. Viewers had two hours following the broadcast of the show to phone in their votes for their favourite competitor. On the following night's episode, the competitor with the fewest votes was sent home. After the final two perform, viewers had more than two hours to vote. The next day, the competitor with the most votes was declared the winner. The show was taped at the John Bassett Theatre in Toronto, Ontario.
Year: 2008
Studio: CTV
Director: Simon Fuller
Cast: Audrey De Montigny, Jason Greeley, Jon Dore, Kalan Porter, Sass Jordan, Theresa Sokyrka
Crew: Mark Lysakowski (Producer), John Brunton (Executive Producer), Sue Brophey (Producer), Barbara Bowlby (Executive Producer), Ben Mulroney (Presenter)
First Air Date: Jun 09, 2003
Last Air date: Sep 10, 2008
Season: 6 Season
Episode: 166 Episode
Runtime: 60 minutes
IMDb: 4.00/10 by 1.00 users
Popularity: 232.258
Language: English
Keyword :
So it begins... in the West!
Movin' out East
Makin' the Rounds in Ontario
Clay, Ruben and 145 Canadians
First Up...
3 Move On, 7 Go Home
Round 2
3 More Movin' On
Last Group
Who Will Get the Final 3 Spots?
Squeaking In...
Proud To Be Canadian
Say Goodbye to Three
Going Home
Summer Time!
The Journey Ends for....
Invasion of Elton John
Bye Bye
Love is in the Air
Three Men and a Lady
Idol Worship
Fond Farewell
Canada's Idol Is...