Higepiyo is a four-panel gag manga by Risa Itō about a small yellow bird with a mustache, who ends up as a pet of a boy named Hiroshi. Serialized between 2004 and 2006 in Shueisha's Chorus magazine, the series was later compiled into a single volume in January 12, 2007. It was adapted into an anime series, which premiered on April 3, 2009, directed by Atsushi Takeyama, scripted by Natsuko Takahashi and with music by Toshio Masuda. The anime adaptation later inspired the creation of a spin-off manga series, published in Ribon magazine.
Keyword :
Season 1
It's a chick!?
It's cute, right!?
What's Flower Viewing!?
Second helping is war!?
The feelings of strawberry!?
It's a Man's Castle!?
It's an onion!?
Isn't it a pet!?
The Bathwater is nice!?
You're to dig it out!?
It's a Samurai!?
It's a steamed meat bun?
I don't have any weakness!?
It's a birthday!?
It's a continuation of the birthday?
It's victory or defeat in the pool!?
A test of courage!?
It's Higepiyo vs Megapiyo!?
It's the Mystery of Higepiyo!?
It's an Achievement!?
It's a Gal Piyo!?
It's still a Gal Piyo!?
It's an athletic meet!?
It's Nursing!?
More good hot water!?
The secret of two people!?
Can't get out!?
It's a Chick's cake!?
I can't sleep!?
It's a Historical Play!?
It's Christmas!?
It's the School Arts Festival!?
Getting into the roll!?
He is a Korokke shop worker!?
I can't sleep again!?
Home-made is full of heart!?
It's the Mecha Piyo's counterattack!?
It's conveyor-belt sushi!?
It's the naming!?