Sarah & Duck - Season 2
Sarah & Duck is a British animated children's television series created by Sarah Gomes Harris and Tim O'Sullivan, and produced by Karrot Entertainment for the BBC. Designed as a story-driven animation primarily targeted at 4-6 year old children, it was first broadcast on the UK CBeebies channel on 18 February 2013. A total of 40 episodes have been commissioned for the first series. 30 of these will have been shown in the UK by the end of August 2013, with a further 10 in production.
Keyword :
Outside Outside
Umbrella Bubbles
Cloud Tower
Sound Jumble
The Mouse's Birthday
Tortoise Snooze
Fast Slow Bungalow
Bags of Bags
Ribbon Fall
Garden Gaming
Seacow Snow Trail
Origami Overload
Shallot Circus
Toy Tidy
Plate Escape
The Big Sleepover
Paisley Sea
Duck's Quack
Rainbow's Niece
Decorating Donkey
Duck Hotel
Parasol Show
Extra Bounce
Cake Relocate
Lost Librarian
Scooter Standstill
Music Fixer
Wool on Wheels
Lemon Café
Star Renovation
Woollen Memories
Beach Break
Bubble Bumbling
Toggle Tangle
Tummy Talk
Moon's Exhibition
Pond Prose
The Art of Pink
Bug bop
Duck Flies