Star Blazers - Season 1
Star Blazers is an American animated television series adaptation of the Japanese anime series, Space Battleship Yamato I, II, and III. Star Blazers was first broadcast in the United States in 1979. Significantly, it was the first popular English-translated anime that had an overarching plot and storyline that required the episodes to be shown in order. It dealt with somewhat more mature themes than other productions aimed at the same target audience at the time. As a result, it paved the way for future arc-based, plot-driven anime translations.
Year: 2007
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Drama, Animation
Studio: NBC
Director: Leiji Matsumoto
Cast: Eddie Allen, Michael Bertolini, Amy Howard Wilson, Lydia Leeds, Kenneth Meseroll, Tom Tweedy
First Air Date: Oct 01, 1979
Last Air date: Jan 01, 2007
Season: 3 Season
Episode: 77 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 8.20/10 by 13.00 users
Popularity: 6.363
Language: English
Keyword : space
The Sleeping Giant
The Giant Awakens
Launch of the Argo
Space Warp
The Floating Continent
The Ghost of Recent Past
The Battle of Pluto (1)
The Battle of Pluto (2)
Gantz's Last Stand
We Will Return
The Desslok Mines
The Sea of Fire
Know Thine Enemy
The Worst of Times
The Galactic Whirlpool
Tin Wit's Tale
The Burdens of Command
The Magnetron Wave
Little Boy Lost
The Battle of Balun
The Battle of the Rainbow Cluster (1)
The Battle of the Rainbow Cluster (2)
A Shocking Surprise
No Quarter
Welcome to Iscandar
Journey's End