Christopher Columbus - Season 1 Episode 12 A Helping Hand
Columbus finally earns himself an interview with the King of Lisbon for the purpose of better explaining the value of reaching the Indies by sailing west. The King at first seems interested by Columbus's proposed-project, and so assembles a group of experts to assess its worth. However, the group of examiners reject the project, when Columbus then suddenly learns of the unfortunate death of Felipa back in Porto Santo. Columbus leaves Portugal at once with his son Diego and goes to Castile.
Keyword : explorer, 15th century
Season 1
Columbus the Sailor Is Born
The First Voyage
Giovanni Risks His Life to Save the Ship
Resolution in Portugal, Kingdom of Voyages
Columbus learns of Marco Polo and Toscanelli
His First Exploration Voyage
Columbus Meets Felipa
Columbus Resolves to Make a Westward Voyage
The First Setback
A Helping Hand
The First Steps Towards Realization of the Exploratory
Audience With the King and Queen
Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope
The End of Reconquista
The Plan Is Rejected!
The Plan Is Approved!
Columbus Meets Pinzon
The Fleet Sets Sail
Escape from Sargasso
Land Is Discovered
Pinzon Rebels
A Storm Blocks the Return Home
King Joao Imposes Restrictions
Columbus's Triumphant Return