Franny's Feet
Franny's Feet is a Canadian animated series for children. It is produced by DHX Media/Halifax Film in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and created by Cathy Moss and Susan Nielsen. The show follows the adventures of four-year-old Frances "Franny" Fantootsie as she tries on various pairs of shoes and travels to different places in the world. Its very first appearance was on in September 2001; it later appeared on CBC Television on January 1, 2004, then began to air on Family the following September, and was introduced to PBS Kids Sprout in the U.S. beginning in June 2006. In the U.K., it has aired on Discovery Kids UK, Channel Five, Playhouse Disney UK and Tiny Pop. A fourth season began in September 2009.
First Air Date: Jul 08, 2003
Last Air date: Sep 10, 2009
Season: 4 Season
Episode: 104 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 7.20/10 by 6.00 users
Popularity: 7.435
Language: English
Tower Power
Slippery Sandcastle
Picture This
Sound Advice
Rainforest Games
Shake Those Beans
Flight of Fancy
Totem Trouble
Papa Penguin
Ballroom Bugaboo
Wedding Day Woe
A Perfect Fit
On Your Toes
It Figures
Iwi the Kiwi
Clothes Call
Lots of Space
Tulip Parade
So to Speak
Sweet Talk
Old Friends, New Friends
Going Ape!
Halloween Harvest